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The House Democracy Partnership

A bipartisan Commission of the U.S. House of Representatives, the House Democracy Partnership (HDP) works with parliaments around the world to support the development of effective, independent, and responsive legislatures. Through the use of peer-to-peer exchanges, training, and targeted technical assistance, the commission enhances accountability, transparency, access to information, and legislative oversight. HDP currently works with more than 20 legislatures worldwide through a variety of programs and initiatives with assistance from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Republican Institute (IRI), and the National Democratic Institute (NDI). HDP’s singular focus on the legislative branch of government and its unique ability to bring together American legislators and their peers from around the world have made the commission a valuable forum for strengthening democratic institutions and deepening bilateral relations.


HDP 15 Year report

Inspired by the Frost-Solomon taskforce that supported emerging European legislatures from 1990-1996, Representatives David Drier (R-CA) and David Price (D-NC) collaborated to revive and expand its mission in 2005. On March 14, 2005, the House of Representatives voted to establish the House Democracy Assistance Commission (House Resolution 135). In 2009, the Commission was renamed the House Democracy Partnership, or HDP, to better reflect the evolving relationships between the U.S. Congress and partner legislatures around the world. 


The mission of the House Democracy Partnership is to work with countries around the world to share best practices that promote responsive, effective government, and strengthen democratic institutions. Central to our work is peer-to-peer cooperation and dialogue to build technical expertise in legislatures that will enhance accountability, transparency, legislative independence, access to information, and legislative oversight.

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Our Approach to Strengthening Legislatures



Budgetary Issues

House members, staff and Congressional Budget Office experts work with legislatures to build their capacity to provide oversight and amend federal budgets.


Committee Operations

House members and staff share information with legislative committee chairs, members, and clerks on mechanisms to ensure effective oversight such as public hearings


Constituent Engagement & Services

House members and staff share information with members of partner legislatures on communicating with constituents, responding to constituent inquiries and handling casework.



Effective oversight is one of the most important functions of a strong and independent legislature. House members and staff work with their counterparts to improve the review, monitoring, and supervision of the Executive branch.



House members and staff, including those of the House Ethics Committee, share information with partners on the establishment and implementation of legislative codes of ethics.

info services

Information Services

Congressional information technology (IT) experts share information with legislative staff on the use of IT to establish legislative information services or other systems that disseminate information about the legislature’s work and improve legislators’ and the public’s access to information.


Legislative Procedure

Members and staff from the House Rules Committee, legislative counsel, House Parliamentarian’s office and Congressional Research Service share information with members of parliament and staff of partner legislatures on legislative drafting and parliamentary procedure.


Libraries and Research Services

Specialists from the Congressional Research Service and Library of Congress collaborate to establish and support legislative libraries and research services.